Evan Amell

Evan Amell


I am the owner and head coach of EA Fitness and Performance LLC. I have been around fitness my entire life with sports and the training that comes along with that. I got a Bachelors in Exercise Science with a minor in Psychology and currently compete as a powerlifter in the United States Powerlifting Association. The reason I got into personal training is I saw first hand how much taking care of your body helps with everything in life. Through the toughest moments of my life, when I had a lot of stress, anxiety, self-esteem issues, and just overall not happy with what I saw in the mirror I found that fitness always helped me get out of the struggles I was dealing with. It gave me a body that I was happy with but more importantly it empowered me as an individual to make me a better son, brother, cousin, uncle, athlete, worker, student, leader and the list goes on! With that experience, I knows the struggle, doubt, apprehension and ambivalence that can come with starting with a new fitness routine. This helps me understand our clients and their obstacles that could be holding them back from their fitness goals so I can help them get past anything that stands in their way. With my passion for fitness I have helped people lose 100s of pounds, gain muscle, gain strength, and more importantly take control of their health!

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