Now you probably read the title and thought “that is a pretty dark way to look at this”.
However, the unfortunate reality is that there is truth to it.
People way too often kick the can down the road. Year after year after year after year.
Until one day it finally catches up with them.
They find out that they have elevated blood sugar.
They find out they have osteopenia that could lead to osteoporosis.
They find out their triglyceride and cholesterol levels are concerning.
They take a fall and fracture a bone.
You get the story.
They have a bad wake up call.
People take their health for granted until it starts to go. Remember the times that you lose electricity because of a storm or accident? Almost makes you feel helpless since everything runs on electricity. The difference with that versus the scenarios I gave you above is that all those issues are preventable with healthy lifestyle choices.
The key is being proactive. It doesn’t mean you need to take on a regimen like a professional athlete. You are too busy for that. However, you can do things today that will put you at a SIGNIFICANTLY LESS risk to developing chronic disease and aside from that, improving your quality life. We talk about investing financially for your future but think of eating healthy and moving daily as your investment in your health so you can THRIVE in retirement. Traveling. Playing with your grandkids. Not paying huge medical bills because of unhealthy decisions. Maintaining your independence. All very important things but require time and effort in order to reach those milestones in your later years.
So don’t wait until it's too late. Strength training 2-3x/week, walking daily, and eating mostly whole foods will have a profound effect on your health in ways you wouldn’t think possible.
56 Northport Suite 102, Portland, ME 04103