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By EA Fitness & Performance January 3, 2025
It’s that time of year again. New Year’s resolutions. Packed gyms. New Year, New me. Lot’s of people have really good intentions of using the New Year as a way to refocus and reshape what they are doing in their lives within their health, career, and just overall personal development. A couple of issues that lead to north of 90% of failure of resolutions within the first three weeks of the New Year include: 1)Not enough meaning behind the goal. -Let me give you an example. The person that just says I want to lose 20lbs with no other reason probably will fail. You need a strong WHY. WHY is it important for you to lose that 20lbs? The why is what is going to get you through the days when you feel tired and unmotivated to take action required to reach the goal. In this case, not losing the 20lbs. Reality is that your extreme feeling of motivation in the beginning of the year will wear off. It’s human nature to stop doing something if there isn’t a good reason for it, which is why finding the deep meaning of your goal is extremely important to long term success. 2)No daily habits established -You need to know clearly what you are going to do and create a path that will lead to the success of your goal. It won’t go perfectly all the time but having a clear understanding of what you need to do is crucial for success on your journey! 3)Not embracing the process -You should embrace the actions you are taking to reach your goal. You should embrace all the things you are going to learn about yourself during this journey. This doesn’t mean you will enjoy every minute of it. What it does mean is that you get some joy out of the daily things you are doing to reach your goal instead of just focusing on the result(which you will get if you learn to embrace the process first). If you are thinking about your fitness goals, thats okay. Start with creating a meaningful goal, then establish daily habits, then when you are on your fitness journey, embrace the process and the results will follow! If you are struggling at any point of your fitness journey, feel free to reach out to us and we would be happy to get you on track! Evan 
A woman is standing with her arms outstretched in the air.
By Shay Knolle December 12, 2024
your health is non-negotiable
A group of people are doing push ups in a gym.
By 321go September 20, 2024
It’s just like it sounds. Taking responsibility in everything you do and then some. You might think that this might be extreme. But it’s not. Let me tell you why. Who have you seen being extremely successful that always has something to blame? Always having someone or something to blame as to why they aren’t ... The post Taking Radical Personal Responsiblity appeared first on EA Fitness and Performance.
A person is using a laptop computer with a video on the screen.
By 321go August 8, 2024
You might be thinking along the lines of your credit score that you used to get approved for loans and certain credit cards. I’m not talking about that today though. I’m talking about your personal credit score when it comes to your physical and mental health that translates a lot to your daily life success ... The post What’s Your Personal Credit Score? appeared first on EA Fitness and Performance.
A man is sitting on an exercise ball while using a laptop.
By 321go June 17, 2024
You see it all the time where people get awesome results where they lose a ton of weight in a short period of time but before you know it, they are back to where they started. The unfortunate reality is that most of these programs that are so focused on getting results in such a ... The post Why you need to master maintenance appeared first on EA Fitness and Performance.
A woman is doing a plank on a yoga mat in front of a laptop computer.
By 321go May 8, 2024
This isn’t going to be a typical article that usually talks about fitness and or nutrition related. This is about mindset. Honestly I think this is where people struggle the most on their fitness journey.. Not the food. Not the exercise. Not the supplements. The mindset. What do I mean? I mean when you wake ... The post Health is a mindset appeared first on EA Fitness and Performance.
A person is wearing a pair of reebok shoes.
By 321go April 15, 2024
This is the most important part of starting a fitness journey other than taking action.  What has stopped me from reaching my fitness goals? Is it because you’ve lacked the discipline to exercise consistently?  Is it because you’ve had a hard time overcoming cravings?  Is it because you don’t sleep well?  Is it because you ... The post What’s really stopping you? appeared first on EA Fitness and Performance.
A man and a woman are riding exercise bikes in a gym.
By 321go March 14, 2024
You see it all the time.  People that go on a fitness plan that starts to make them feel good.  Maybe its exercising regularly.  Maybe its eating a little healthier.  Maybe it’s drinking an adequate amount of water every day.  Whatever it is, they talk about how they have more energy, clothes are feeling better, ... The post What is feeling normal? appeared first on EA Fitness and Performance.
A woman is squatting with a barbell over her head in a gym.
By 321go February 5, 2024
In a world where there’s so much information out there on the internet which means there’s a lot of good information but also misleading information.  Strength training is a big topic and I still see stuff out there that is either outdated information or just plain wrong.  So I’m going to highlight some of the ... The post Debunking myths about strength training appeared first on EA Fitness and Performance.
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