You might be thinking along the lines of your credit score that you used to get approved for loans and certain credit cards.
I’m not talking about that today though.
I’m talking about your personal credit score when it comes to your physical and mental health that translates a lot to your daily life success + happiness. I have come up with some daily activities that I want you to score yourself on and take the mean average score to see how you are currently doing!
Scale of 1-5.
1 = not good
2 = okay but needs improvement
3 = average/satisfactory
4 = good
5 = I’m crushing it!
– I sleep 7-9 hours
– I exercise at least 30 minutes a day
– When I tell someone I’m going to do something, I follow my word 90% of the time
– I cope with my daily stress well.
– I spend quality time with friends and or loved ones weekly
– I understand my purpose in life
– I like how I feel
– I make time for activities that recharge me
I could make the list longer but this is a good starting point because the first step of solving a problem is to first identify it! A lot of times people underestimate the power of mastering the small(or not so small) activities in their daily lives. Sometimes people that are career driven are great at progressing their careers and spending time with their loved ones but are missing all the other components which leads them burning themselves out which takes a toll both emotionally and physically. Maybe it’s a mom that pours all efforts into everyone else that they care for but leaves their other basic needs on the back burner. Lots of different scenarios but they all influence how we feel on a daily basis. It’s important to have balance. It’s what leads us to be the best version of ourselves and we all have our unique ways of what balance looks like.
So not only is it good to have a good credit score financially but also, a great physical and mental credit score. Take care of yourselves!
Coach Evan
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